You missed a real treat if you weren’t at Soul of The City @ Curiosity Coffee this past Saturday! Great crowd and great entertainment. It was an honor sharing the stage with Airborne Audio, Tam The Viibe, and Eezy Olah. Shout out to Eezy for catching me on video and the color commentary 😂. Thank you Hoodie Fam members DeWarren, Kristen, and Sabrina for coming out and Sabrina’s friends who came to the show on her recommendation I hope y’all had the best time! Black Nerd Mafia put together a great event!I it was good to meet so meet so many new people. i did some great networking and can’t wait to get in the studio with these folks. Stay tuned!
Don’t forget to grab a hoodie or t-shirt at www.midimarcum.com/shop